“I have hope in G-d, which they themselves also accept…This being so, I myself always strive to have a conscience without offense toward G-d and men.”
Acts 24:15-16, NKJV

I know a man who lives a life free of offense at all cost. He doesn’t respond or react, he just chooses to not pick up an offense. I’ve seen accusations hurled at him, yet he remains free of offense and silent. I’ve seen him witness wrongs and injustices, yet he remains silent and free of offense. I’m sure it didn’t always come easy for him – but with practice and maturity, I can truly say I’ve never seen him offended. He is a man who strives to have a conscience free of offense toward G-d and man, and, it’s admirable.
I know another man who also strives to be free of offense, but he does so through confronting truth, having hard conversations, and reaching a resolution. His path is a little different – he believes that “clear is kind” – and in order to deepen a relationship, there must be hard conversations. He’s a “war room” type leader. He listens to all sides and engages in hard conversations and works towards a peaceful resolution, considering all involved, all while choosing to remain free of offense.
Both paths can lead to freedom and wholeness, free of offense. Both make a choice to overlook offenses. Both make a choice to forgive. One makes a choice to overlook and remain silent while one makes a choice to confront and resolve. I’m not saying one is wrong or one is better than the other. Rather, I am saying it is a choice – an intentional choice – to remain free of offense.
Personally, I have functioned as both men I’ve described today – sometimes I hold my peace, and other times, I work towards a resolution with the other party involved. However we respond, the goal is to remain free of offense towards G-d and man. Before I engage, I do a self check – Is what I want to say an emotional reaction or is it conviction of the Holy Spirit? Do my words build up or tear down – are they in line with the Word of G-d or is it my flesh speaking? And, is there a relationship? Without relationship, I do not believe I can be heard. Therefore, sometimes it’s better to stay silent. But whether I speak or hold my peace, I can strive to be without offense. It’s what I’m leaning towards today because offenses are obstacles to His presence. More of Him, less of me means choosing to be free of offense, It’s not always easy in the flesh, but my hunger for Him outweighs my need to be right. Have Your way in me, Lord.
Father, thank You for Your goodness. Help me to live a life free of offense so You can use me however You desire. You are good and You keep doing good. Your leadership in my life is perfect and You can be trusted. Amen.
Daily Reading: Acts 24-26
December 13, 2022