Seasoned with Salt

“And every offering of your grain offering you shall season with salt; you shall not allow the salt of the covenant of your God to be lacking from your grain offering. With all your offerings you shall offer salt.”

‭‭Leviticus‬ ‭2:13‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Salt is a simple seasoning everyone has in their home whose properties do not change. Most of us learned that trick in science – pour salt in boiling water, and when the water evaporates, salt crystals remain. So fascinating!

From what I could tell with a quick word search today, salt is mentioned approximately 40 times in the Bible. It’s been around a long time!! I began to wonder this morning why is it mentioned here as part of an offering. 

Salt is used for many things but two uses stand out to me today: for seasoning and for preserving. The Bible tells Believers to be the “salt of the earth” – we are to preserve G-d’s Word and His ways in the earth and our lives of faith should bring seasoning to those around us (Matthew 5:13). That said, we all know when something is too salty or not salty enough. As believers, there’s a balance – just like I know whether a dish has just enough salt or too much, I have to listen to the Spirit to know when to sprinkle salt and when I’ve sprinkled enough. I don’t want to be “extra” and push people away, like a dish that cannot be eaten because it’s too salty. Rather, I believe my life and interactions with others should leave people craving Him, not pushing away from Him. I am often quite  thirsty after I eat really salty food- like pizza or Chinese – likewise my life should leave others thirsty for Him. 

Second – salt is a preservative. Salt helps dehydrate foods so they last longer. Some foods come packed in salt such as capers and anchovies. Salt also reduces the growth of bacteria. Salt preserves. 

The “salt of the covenant” or “covenant or salt” appears three times in the Bible: Leviticus 2:13, 2 Chronicles 13:5, and Numbers 18:19. A “salt covenant” seems to imply that the covenant is everlasting, perpetual, and unchanging. 

On Shabbat, we salt the bread to remind us of His everlasting covenant with the Jewish people and with those who call upon His Son for salvation, to remind us to be salt and light to a decaying world, and to remember the salty tears of the Israelites, reminding ourselves that our tears will not last forever. 

His promises to us are unchanging. He will keep His Word, and He will preserve our lives. He’s not a man that He should lie. He is good and He can be trusted. 

Father – thank You for making a way for me. Thank You for grace. Make my life light and salt for You. Shine through me. May others “taste” You when they meet me. Your leadership in my life is perfect and I trust You. Amen.