“So Peter was kept in prison, but prayer for him was being offered fervently to God by Messiah’s community. Now that very night … Peter was sleeping—bound with two chains between two soldiers, while guards before the gate were keeping watch over the prison. Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared, and a light shone in the cell. He poked Peter on the side and woke him up, saying, “Get up! Quick!” And the chains fell off his hands. Then the angel said to him, “Get dressed and put on your sandals,” and he did so. Then he tells him, “Put on your cloak and follow me.””
Acts 12:5-8 TLV

Have you ever been startled awake by a loud noise or the hand of your child on you? If so, you can imagine what Peter must have felt when the Angel “poked him on the side.” For some reason I find this passage comical. I can just picture an Angel leaning over Peter and poking him. I wonder if Peter was a hard sleeper and had to be poked because he didn’t hear the Angel’s whisper. Or, could it be that the Angel was just a jokester? I’m not sure of course, but, I am curious.
The Greek word for poked in this passage, patassō, means to strike gently. When people ask me if prayer makes a difference and if I think Angels intervene on our behalf, my answer is unequivocally YES. This passage is proof. Peter was in prison. The people prayed. And an Angel came to Peter in response. The Angel then struck Peter gently and led him out of captivity.
Sometimes I too am bound in a prison of sorts – a prison of shame, fear, and doubt rising from past trauma and lies I believe. And sometimes, an Angel comes to my aid and lovingly prods me this way or that, awakening my soul from the hopeless slumber of brokenness and regret. I can either follow His leading, or I can stay where I am. And so can you. Ultimately it’s a choice we make.
Someone is praying for me and for you today. We can rest assured help is on the way, and when we least expect it, we’ll feel the poking and prodding of the spirit calling us out of the darkness and into His glorious light. It might be uncomfortable – but it will be worth it. Whatever it takes, Lord. More of You. Less of me. Always.
Father – thank You for Your Word and promise of hope. Thank You for giving me a helper. Help me to be sensitive to His loving hand. You are good and You keep doing good. Your leadership in my life is perfect and You can be trusted. Amen.
Daily Reading: Acts 11-12
November 20, 2022