Obed Edom

“So David would not move the ark with him into the City of David, but took it aside into the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite. The ark of God remained with the family of Obed-Edom in his house three months. And the Lord blessed the house of Obed-Edom and all that he had.”

‭‭I Chronicles‬ ‭13:13-14‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Obed Edom is, thanks to Pastor Olen, one of my favorite stories in the Bible. 

There’s so much to say and to learn from the life of Obed Edom and the entire process of carrying and returning the Ark of G-d to the Tabernacle. But what stood out to me today was that Obed Edom, a foreigner, a Gittite, hosted the manifest presence of G-d for 90 days – can you imagine?!?!

Unexpected visitors elicit a myriad of responses from excitement to panic. Imagine the President knocking on your door and asking you to host a foreign leader for 90 days, would you be prepared to welcome him? 

Most people like to prepare for company and will spend hours doing so but Obed Edom wasn’t given hours to prepare – he was given seconds. 

When I think about him and his family answering the door, a home managment system I followed religiously when my children were young to both keep my house in order and to train the kids in various chores and routines called the “FLY-lady”, immediately comes to mind. 

The “FLY-lady” has several catchy phrases to make cleaning and home management fun such as the 26-fly fling boogie, shining your sink, clearing hot spots, swish and swipe daily – after all, nothing says love like throwing up in a clean toilet, “you can’t clean clutter”,  and “you can do anything for 15 minutes”. 

What comes to mind is one of my favorites: “15 minutes a day keeps C.H.A.O.S. Away” – the “can’t have anyone over syndrome”. The principle behind it is simple yet profound-small, quick daily routines when implemented consistently will help you AVOID marathon cleanings and have your house “company ready” at all times. 

Realtors know this well. If you’ve sold a home, you have to make it and keep it “company ready” at all times. Houses that move the fastest are clean, updated, and decluttered. 

What made me pause today was stopping to imagine what Holy Spirit finds when He comes knocking on my heart, looking for a place for the manifest presence of G-d to reside. Does He find my soul cluttered or clear? Busy or at peace? Am I watching for Him to come up to road or am I asleep? Do I readily open the door or do I come begrudgingly? Can I hear the quiet knocking or am I too distracted to hear? Do I welcome Him as a valued, honored, beloved guest – excitedly welcoming Him in, or do I ignore Him? Am I ready for Him? 

G-d longs to dwell with His people – both those born into the family and the foreigner that has been adopted. It’s all about relationships to Him. He longs to be with us. 

I know what it’s like to be an unwelcome, unwanted guest – and it’s miserable. The last thing I want to do is to make Him feel like an unwanted, unwelcome guest in my heart and in my home. 

He won’t force His way. He patiently waits for me to answer the door and welcome Him in.   

Small, daily routines on my part of prayer, praise and worship, of reading and studying the Word, and of taking my thoughts captive by guarding what I watch and listen to will lead to a renewed mind, peaceful heart, and a spirit free of CHAOS- ready to welcome Him when He comes. 

Father – thank You for Your presence and Your peace. Forgive me for when I’ve not welcomed You, when I’ve ignored Your voice. Give me a heart like Obed Edom- one that welcomes You, not as an interruption but as a valued guest, making room for You to rest. You are good. Your leadership in my life is perfect and You can be trusted. Amen. 

Daily Reading: 2 Samuel 5:11-6:23; I Chronicles 13-16