“…fear fell on them all, and the name of Yeshua was magnified. And many who had believed came confessing and telling their deeds.”
Acts 19:17-18 NKJV

The “Roman Road” was a popular tract in my day, and I recall countless trainings where a pastor would review the material, have us practice it, then send us out door to door or through the mall to approach people and share the hope of Salvation by reading through this tiny book. As a young girl, I remember thinking that only special people could “witness” like that – and it surely wasn’t me. I was shy and introverted – approaching a stranger was the most terrifying thing I could imagine. Needless to say, I didn’t do well when it came to reporting interactions. It never felt right and I just couldn’t do it.
Fast forward to many years later when I would personally encounter this man named Yeshua who changed my life. I still didn’t go for the Roman Road – as great as it is, it just isn’t me. Rather, I settled into the belief that the best testimony I can give about Yeshua is the one I give with my life. Magnifying and exalting Him through my life and testimony is like attracting those cute hummingbirds to my mom’s many feeders. As I exalt Him through my life and magnify Him through my words, He will draw people to Himself. And, should I be the one they ask about the reason for my hope – and they have – I answer genuinely and joyfully. They can hear my truth which is far more real to me than the Roman Road. Sure, I use the principles – but more than the verses, my life, YOUR life, is the testimony the world needs today.
The Greek word for magnify is megalynō: to deem or declare great, to esteem highly, to extol, to laud, and to celebrate.
This passage is clear – when the name of Yeshua was magnified – deemed great, esteemed highly, lauded, celebrated, and extolled – people RAN to Him. How could they not? If I have the “Roman Road” memorize but do not have Him magnified, the words are as useless as the paper it is printed on. I just ask myself often how my words and actions declare Him great on a daily basis. I have to take a hard look at my actions – and interactions – to see if they are celebrating and declaring Him great. His life lived in and through me is the only way I can live a magnified life. More of Him, less of me. Always, in all things.
Father, thank You for Your truth. Once again You come with grace and mercy. Thank You. Help me to live a life that magnifies you in words, action, and deed because You alone are worth it. You are good and You keep doing good. Your leadership in my life is perfect and You can be trusted. Amen.
Daily Reading: Acts 18:19-19:41
November 28, 2022
(free photo from Google)