“A sharp disagreement took place, so that they split off from one another…”
Acts 15:39 TLV

I’ve always been intrigued by this passage of scripture. Two men of G-d – apostles – had a “sharp disagreement” – one so intense that it separated them.
The disagreement centered around one man – John Mark. Barnabas wanted John Mark to travel with them but Paul did not, rationalizing that John Mark should not go since he had not been with them previously. I dare say Barnabas saw John Mark’s potential and focused on that while Paul saw John Mark’s failure and judged him accordingly.
While past behavior is a good indicator of present and future performance – it is after all why we do behavioral style interviews – it’s not a guarantee. After all, people change and grow over time. When I was promoted recently, my supervisor and I talked about some mistakes I made early in my management career and how those mistakes might impact people. We spoke about how I might repair and rebuild trust if needed. Then she said something that was a mental shift not only for work but for my personal life: “you should not be judged today by who you were in the past. Just put your head down, stay humble, do what you’ve been doing for 10 years, and your character will speak for itself.”
Paul and Barnabas couldn’t reach an agreement. One was judgment. One was mercy. One was past. One was future. Did their disagreement mean one was right and the other wrong? Maybe. But not necessarily. Even in their separation, G-d continued to use both of them to do His work, and in the end, the ministry was expanded. First they were two – then four. Even a separation of relationships can be used of G-d. While some relationships and friendships last for years, some are seasonal – and that’s ok. It can be hard and painful, but if we can see it from His lens, it might just have a purpose we cannot see. Therefore, we just keep moving forward, following the path He has for each one of us, regardless of where those paths lead – together or separate, accompanied or alone, just keep going.
Father – thank You for Your mercy and grace. Thank You for the friendships You given me along the way. Help me to be aligned with You. You are good and You keep doing good. Your leadership in my life is perfect and You can be trusted. Amen.
Daily Reading: Acts 15-16
November 23, 2022