“(Yeshua), knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come from G-d and was going to G-d, rose from supper and laid aside His garments, took a towel and girded Himself…”
John 13:3-4 NKJV

He knew He would be betrayed- and still He served. He knew He would face death – and still He served. He knew these would be His last moments with the ones He loved – and He still He served. And, most importantly, He knew who He was – therefore He served.
This is one of the most powerful and beautiful passages to me about suffering. Secure in His identity and calling, to return to His Father, He faced impending torture and death by girding Himself and washing His disciples’ feet.
The Greek word for “girded” is diazṓnnymi – meaning to bind oneself or something all around. If you’ve ever wrapped an ace bandage around a sprained ankle, that’s the image here. The pressure is firm, holding something firmly in place to promote healing and ease pain.
I can almost see Him in my mind as He laid down His cloak – His earthly identifier – and took the posture of a servant to wash their feet. Yeshua didn’t come to be famous, and He wasn’t trying to win a popularity contest. He didn’t come demanding the best seat at the table or accolades from men. He knew He had one purpose – to restore us to the Father.
I think security and wholeness is found when we know whose we really are. Marci, beloved child of G-d; forgiven and made whole; friend of the Bridegroom. As Bill Johnson aptly put: “Royalty is my identity. Servanthood is my assignment.”
The next time we find ourselves feeling insecure in who we are, battling rejection and doubt, may we be girded in the truth of who we are in Him. He is good. He keeps doing good. And, spoiler alert, He wins in the end.
Father – thank You for Your truth and for saving me. Help me to honor You in all I do. Your leadership in my life is perfect and You can be trusted. Amen.
Daily Reading: Luke 22, John 13
November 10, 2022