“They claim to know God but their deeds deny Him…”
Titus 1:16 TLV

I heard one of my mentors ask this question one tome, “If someone just observed your life, would there be enough evidence to show that you follow Christ?”
It’s a convicting thought to say the least. The me that is seen day in and day out, the me that is heard day in and day out – is He obvious in that person? Can He be seen beyond or through my frustrations and hurts? Can He be heard on both bad days and good days? Is there enough of Him in me that He overflows through my words and actions? Sometimes I think yes. Other times I know the answer is no.
One of my biggest fears is that my deeds would deny Him, that someone would look at my life and not know that I believe in Him. After all, Yeshua warned this would happen (Matthew 7:21-23). In all ways, every day, my life and my words should be full of the evidence of my relationship with Yeshua. My life should drip with the sweetness of His goodness. My mouth should overflow with His wisdom and praise. Living a lifestyle like that – a lifestyle of overflow – is, I believe, the lifestyle of a worshipper. True worship is more than songs – it is a life poured out to Him day in and day out, in the good times and the bad, especially when no one is looking.
Father – thank You for how You love me. Thank You for how You speak to me. You are good and You keep doing good. Your leadership in my life is perfect and You can be trusted. Amen.
Daily Reading: Titus 1-3
December 19, 2022