“Then Ananias answered, “Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how much harm he has done…But the Lord said to him, “Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel.”
Acts 9:13, 15 NKJV

Saul – a man who oppressed and bound people who held an opposing view – was seen as a chosen vessel by G-d. This man hated “Christians” – yet G-d chose to use him? How could this be??
In our flesh, we do the same as Ananias did- we look at someone’s past failures or mistakes and judge them as either worthy or unworthy of being used of G-d. I know. I’ve been that person. I’ve both judged and been judged. There is some ugly in my past, but then again, isn’t that true of all of us? There is no one who is perfect – not one. How grateful I am that G-d doesn’t judge me or judge others like I am predisposed to do.
In a leadership workshop I attended with my colleagues earlier this month about battling “Imposter Syndrome,” the presenter said something I wholeheartedly agree with that applies here. She stated that each of us are born with a “curriculum” embedded deep within us – something we were born to do. Though she was not a person of faith, the principle is biblical. Psalms 139 explains how we are fashioned and woven together within our mother’s wombs. I believe G-d forms both our physical being and our emotional being. And deep within us, He placed a “curriculum” or calling that is unique to you and to me. I cannot fulfill yours and you cannot fulfill mine. And in the end, nothing can keep us from what He has planned for us. No matter our past, we are chosen vessels to carry His name. That, my friends, gives me hope.
Father – Thank You for Your promise to me. Thank You that Your plan is better than mine. Help me to trust You. You are good and You keep doing good. Your leadership in my life is perfect and You can be trusted. Amen.
Daily Reading: Acts 9-10
November 19, 2022