“First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world…For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift, so that you may be established— that is, that I may be encouraged together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me.”
Romans 1:8, 11-12 NKJV

One thing I believe that is missing in the church today is connection. The power of relationships is seriously underrated. I believe relationships are a required element of true discipleship. Paul understood the power of relationships too. He knew that spiritual gifts were imparted through interactions with fellow believers – not grown in a silo. I read something a friend wrote recently that said revival would be birthed in relationships – not in a Sunday service. I understand the premise of the statement. You cannot attend a Sunday service, just once a week, and expect change to happen in your life – we grow through relationships with other people.
I am who I am today because of relationships. I am who I am today because of leaders, friends, mentors, and pastors who have spoken hard truth to me and who have loved me well. When I think back to the most transformative times of my life, I can clearly see that what changed me the most were the people I was connected to during those times. It is the deep, meaningful connections that made the difference, not the stuff, not the places – but the people. Relationships are the thing I miss the most in the season I am in – I believe the longing I feel – the longing for deep relationships and meaningful connections – is a longing shared by most of us.
In this passage, Paul explains that we are “established” by being together. The Greek word for established is stērizō – to strengthen, to make firm, to render constant, and to confirm one’s mind; to establish. We are strengthened in relationships. We are stabilized in relationships – the phrase “to render constant” means to be unwavering or unchanged.
But one thing about relationships we don’t talk about is the vulnerability that is required. In order to place ourselves in a position to grow, we must be humble and open, and with humility and openness comes risk – risk of rejection, risk of failure, and risk of pain. Only when my desire to grow becomes greater than my fear of rejection and loneliness will I find the connection I long for. I must open myself to someone else. I have to be intentional about investing. I have to create time and space. G-d did not design me to live in a vacuum. He designed me to live in community. There’s a space I belong – there’s a place for me in His body, and one day, I’ll find it again. Until then, I’ll serve where He places me and give what He asks of me. I will dare to open my heart once again knowing that He will establish me among His people.
Father – thank You for Your truth and Your promise. Show us the way to walk and the place to plant. You are good and You keep doing good. Your leadership in my life is perfect and You can be trusted. Amen.
Daily Reading: Acts 20:1-3, Romans 1-3
December 7, 2022