“When they went, I heard the noise of their wings, like the noise of many waters, like the voice of the Almighty, a tumult like the noise of an army; and when they stood still, they let down their wings. A voice came from above the firmament that was over their heads; whenever they stood, they let down their wings. And above the firmament over their heads was the likeness of a throne, in appearance like a sapphire stone; on the likeness of the throne was a likeness with the appearance of a man high above it. Also from the appearance of His waist and upward I saw, as it were, the color of amber with the appearance of fire all around within it; and from the appearance of His waist and downward I saw, as it were, the appearance of fire with brightness all around. Like the appearance of a rainbow in a cloud on a rainy day, so was the appearance of the brightness all around it. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the Lord. So when I saw it, I fell on my face, and I heard a voice of One speaking.”
Ezekiel 1:24-28 NKJV
I’m not sure which is more beautiful – the sound of the voice of G-d or the vision Him on the throne. Since I’ve never had a vision of Him on the throne, I’ll have to settle for experiencing it through Ezekiel’s vision. But, I do know and recognize His voice – not audible, like the sound of tumult and rushing after – and it is the most beautiful sound of all.
A friend of mine showed me a picture of her husband and son this week while we were catching up. She commented that her husband’s smile in this picture was his real one and it brought her courage and joy- so much in fact that she placed the picture front and center, within her line of sight, during an important interview – one she ended up nailing.
Likewise, when I keep a vision of Him before me, it’s transformative. Just looking at Him changes everything, and just hearing His voice undoes me.
Because He loves me, He allows me glimpses of His glory and whispers of His voice. His presence is transformative, and by beholding Him, I find the strength I so desperately need today.
Father – thank You for Your Word and for Your presence. Your voice is the most beautiful sound on earth and Your glory eclipses my pain. You are good and You keep doing good. Your leadership in my life is perfect and You can be trusted. Amen.
Daily Reading: Ezekiel 1-4
August 27, 2022