““But where can wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding? ….“God understands the way [to wisdom] And He knows its place [for wisdom is with God alone]. … to man He said, ‘Behold, the reverential and worshipful fear of the Lord—that is wisdom; And to depart from evil is understanding.’ ””
Job 28:12, 23, 28 AMP

Wisdom. I sure could use some of that! Wisdom about work and leading a team of people. Wisdom about shepherding the heart of a passionate child. Wisdom about our living situation. I need wisdom all day every day!
But where can wisdom – true wisdom – be found? And – what does it mean to have wisdom?
Wisdom by definition means the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise.
Wisdom in an area of study requires deliberate practice. I didn’t gain my current interpreter certification over night – I spent years learning, practicing, and working with a mentor. It’s the same in any profession.
Likewise, wisdom that comes from G-d requires deliberate practice. No- we don’t have to “earn” it – that’s impossible. But we DO have to seek Him! That means spending time in His presence, learning to hear His voice, worshipping Him alone, and reading His Word.
Imagine if we walked in Wisdom – the reverential and worshipful fear of the Lord—that is wisdom – every moment of the day. Thinking about Him first. Worshipping Him through our work. Having such a deep, profound respect for and awareness that G-d is always present. That He sees and hears and knows every single thing we do and say.
I fail every single day. I don’t always hold Him in the highest regard but if I want wisdom – true wisdom – the place to start is worship. When He is lifted up, things are put into perspective and become clear.
Father – forgive me where I’ve sought my own wisdom. Put within me a passion for Your presence alone. Your ways are higher than and better than mine. Turn me back to the heart of worship – true worship – where it’s all about You. More of You. Less of me. Amen.