“But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice.’ For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.””
Matthew 9:13 NKJV

When I read in scripture about something HE desires, I pay attention. In explaining His purpose for coming, Yeshua quotes from Hosea 6:6 here in Matthew when He states He desires mercy, not sacrifice – specially animal sacrifices in this passage.
The original text reads the He will HAVE mercy- or éleos, meaning uncertain affinity and compassion (human or divine, especially active)- specifically that of G-d toward men, standing as One ready to intervene and help.
Can you imagine that? More than religious rituals, more than things, He desires to come close to you and to me. He desires above all else that we come to Him so He can intervene in our time of need. He doesn’t want the “sacrifice” or religious act we bring – He wants us. All of us – the good and the not so good.
As the worship team sang the chorus, “come alive in the name of Jesus…. This is the house of miracles,” G-d spoke to my heart that WE – you and me – WE are the house of miracles and our “miracle” will proceed the pouring out of revival in the corporate church. And before revival can come, personal or corporate, repentance must come first – turning from sin and from pain prepares the way for Him.
I felt Him speaking to my heart to lay down a few things – some judgements placed on me 23 years ago, some pain from rejection, and some disappointments. I felt Him lovingly draw me aside to repentance for holding onto the pain. Was I treated wrong? Yes. 100% yes. However, how they treated me is between them and G-d. Though they have judged me harshly and it’s caused deep wounds, He is the One who will vindicate me. Their sin is between them and G-d. He desires to show me mercy and in turn, that I show mercy to them. Is it hard? Absolutely. But is it the right thing, to lay it down and forgive? Unequivocally yes.
He desires to show mercy to me and He desires that I, in turn, give mercy to another. It’s more valuable to Him that the prettiest song one could sing or the most eloquent sermon. Mercy first and foremost.
Father – thank You for Your mercy to me. Heal my heart and help me forgive. You are good and You keep doing good. Your leadership in my life if perfect and You can be trusted. Amen.
Daily Reading: Matthew 9-10
October 16, 2022
Happy anniversary Vance.