Then G-d saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day.”
Genesis 1:31 NKJV

Randal preached his first sermon when he was 5, and I was his audience. It was a particularly hard parenting day, and I’d lost my temper – again. I’m ashamed to say that happened a lot in those days and sadly, it wasn’t uncommon for me to raise my voice. And, after an outburst of anger, an shame and self loathing bubbled out in my words and actions.
On one such occasion of rehearsing what a terrible person and parent I was, Randal uttered his first sermon. While I can’t guarantee the accuracy of his exact words, it was very close to this: “No mom! You’re no terrible! The Bible says G-d saw everything he made and said it was good. He made you. You are good!”
Needless to say the fight drained right out of me, and I remembered something a good friend had told me years before. When I had asked her for parenting advice before Randal was born, she told me that she wasn’t a great mom, she was a great repenter. She told me I would mess up often, and in this moments, being quick to repent was crucial. Her advice to me that day – to repent quickly – was all I could do.
Fast forward to today. My son is a young man embarking on a journey in Michigan that starts tomorrow. As I think about the man he is today, I remember the boy he was then and realize he’s still the same, just taller, older, wiser, and more mature. He is tender and kind, helpful and funny, creative and wise.
I’ve heard many good sermons in my day, and his first one ranks right near the top. All that G-d made is good – or tobe in the Hebrew: good, beautiful, pleasing. He made all of creation, including you and me, and we are good, pleasing, and beautiful in His eyes. May the simple yet profound truth transform our hearts this year.
Father – thank You for Randal and for Your Word. You are good and You keep doing good. Your leadership in my life is perfect and You can be trusted. Amen.
Daily Reading: Genesis 1-3
January 1, 2023