“Thus Noah did; according to all that G-d commanded him, so he did.”
Genesis 6:22 NKJV
“And Noah did according to all that the Lord commanded him.”
Genesis 7:5 NKJV

G-d asked Noah to do something radical – build an ark in a place that had not known rain. And it wasn’t just any ark – it was huge. Given the fact that the generation Noah lived in was corrupt, I can only imagine the ridicule Noah was subjected to – yet, Noah obeyed G-d and as a result of Noah’s belief in and obedience to God, Noah was found righteous (Gen 7:1).
What is G-d asking of me and am I being obedient? I’m confident it’s not as radical as building an ark. May I be found obedient.
For those of us with children, may we follow Noah’s example and include them in hearing and obeying G-d’s voice. His sons saw what he was doing and the fact that they went with him indicates they understood what he was doing – which likely required Noah explaining everything G-d said – and they trusted their dad. Noah was a man of integrity. His actions and words aligned with his faith. As parents, it is important that we share our faith and our struggles with our children so they see our relationship with G-d lives out.
Father – forgive me for not heeding your voice and going my own way. Give me grace and courage to obey your voice in all things so that I might be a testimony in this generation. You are good, You can be trusted. and Your leadership in my life is perfect. Amen.