This might be my favorite time of the week – when we prepare for Shabbat. The roast is cooking in the crock pot, flowers are ready, counter is clean for my daughter to make the challah.

Sabbath rest starts with preparing yourself physically. You have to make room for rest. In our home it’s a Friday ritual – preparing the meal starts early, the smell of challah baking – all of which remind me an intentional moment is on the horizon in which we will pause as a family to remember the goodness of G-d this week and to rest from the weariness of the week. As I started the preparations early this morning I was reminded of the simple truth that we must make room and be intentional about welcoming the Sabbath. It’s a gift – much like a gift received on your birthday or a holiday – that G-d has ready and prepared for you and for me to open and He’s loves to give us good gifts! Are you ready to receive it?