The Eyes of a Maiden

 “Behold, as the eyes of servants Look unto the hand of their masters, and as the eyes of a maiden unto the hand of her mistress; So our eyes wait upon the LORD our God, Until that he have mercy upon us.”

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭123:2‬ ‭KJV‬‬

When I served as a personal assistant to my Spiritual father and mentor, this verse took on a new meaning to me. As I got to know him over the days, weeks, months, and years I worked beside him, I was able to anticipate his needs well before he articulated them and could finish his sentences. Why? Because I spent time with him and paid close attention to what he said – and what he didn’t say – and to how he responded.

Years ago the Lord spoke to me about this verse and said He wanted that level of closeness with me – that He wanted me to be that attentive to His guiding hand that the slightest move or direction or whisper on His part  would cause me to pivot or respond. 

It’s interesting that the original Hebrew passage has no word for “look” or “wait” – they’ve  been added into the English translation. The Hebrew word for “eye” used in this passage is  ʿayin – meaning “figurative of mental and spiritual faculties, acts and state”. In other words, having a mind and spirit completely in tune with another. 

While this passage may be a trigger because it talks about slavery, my intent is certainly not to glorify or speak in favor of it. That is far from my heart. 

Rather, my spirit is quickened about being “in tune” with G-d – my mind and spirit to attentive to Him that I hear the slightest whisper of His spirit and respond. His ways are far higher than mine and His ways far greater. However, my spirit is designed and created to commune with Him. As the song goes, no one else can love Him like I love Him – and no one else can love Him like YOU love Him…we were made unique in His heart, we were made to bring Him joy. May He capture our affection and attention today because He is the only one who is worthy. 

Father – thank You for how You teach and speak to me through real life situations. Thank You for giving me a season of service to Pastor Olen. I am forever marked and changed. Your kindness and affection surround me. Capture my heart and affections anew today. You are good. Your leadership in my life is perfect and You can be trusted. Amen. 

Daily Reading: Psalms 121, 123-125, 128-130