“But I would strengthen you with my mouth, And the comfort of my lips would relieve your grief.”
Job 16:5 NKJV

There was a time when I didn’t strengthen with my mouth. In fact – I tore things down violently and quickly with well aimed words.
I’m not proud of that. It grieves me still at times though I know I’ve been forgiven.
Randal was 5 when we noticed one day that he was covered in bruises and had dried blood in his ear and nose. It looked like someone had beaten him. Long story short, he had a clotting disorder called ITP. It was treated with a hospital stay and eventually G-d healed him completely.
There are many more details in the story between discovery and healing that I won’t share today. However – I will share the most painful part. I’ve always believed that G-d speaks to us through circumstances, situations, etc. In Randal’s case, dreams he’s had, things he’s said, and situations affecting him, God often speaks things prophetic in nature through him to us.
When bruises covered him and I sought the Lord, He spoke clearly to me that the physical bruises I could see on the outside were a mirror of the inside wounds / bruises caused by my words to him.
Hearing what my spirit knew to be true broke something in me.
I lost my temper far too often. I said unkind things I swore I’d never say. I had such incredible self hate and shame and heaped it in buckets.
I’m not proud of it. I am ashamed of it still. But I share it for this reason: to remind us that our words – both what we say and what we don’t say – and how we say it really do matter.
I repented to Randal and began the process of restoring trust my speaking truth and blessings over him often. His platelet count doubled in 2 weeks. He was released and declared whole soon after.
When our children, friends, colleagues, and neighbors experience deep sorrow or grief, may our words strengthen them and bring comfort. Our words are either “kisses” or “bites” on the soul of those we encounter. May my words leave kisses on all I speak. May my words bring life and peace.
“In every interaction we either give life or we drain it. There is no neutral exchange.” Brennan Manning
Father – thank you for your grace. Forgive me where I’ve shown death with my words and caused pain. I ask for a crop failure. Show me who I need to repent to and offer reconciliation. Thank you for healing Randal and for forgiving me. Guard my mouth today and give me Your words of life. Amen.