““For everyone will be salted with fire.”
Mark 9:49 AMP

During Shabbat, we salt the bread for 3 reasons: to remind us of the salty tears of the Israelites during slavery, to remind us to be salt and light to the world, and to remind us of the salt covenants (Leviticus 2:13, 2 Chronicles 13:5, and Numbers 18:19). A “salt covenant” seems to imply that the covenant is everlasting, perpetual, and unchanging
Salt is both a seasoning and a preservative, and, it’s necessary for life! Science shows that humans need approximately 500mg of sodium daily to help balance nerves and relax muscles.
In today’s reading, I came across a phrase I’ve never heard before – salted with fire. It legit stopped me in my tracks.
Salted – halizō – meaning the sacrifice is to sprinkled with salt and thus rendered acceptable to G-d.
In other words, we WILL be tested. We WILL walk through hard things. The fire WILL come near to us – and, it’s for our good. The fire refines and seasons us. The fire purifies and sustains us. The fire is a necessity. We cannot live without it.
Fire can be scary. And, it can be a source life and community. I have fond memories of sitting around a campfire at Girl Scout camp. It was the best part of the day.
When the fire comes – and it will – may we be reminded of its purpose: to season, preserve, and sustain us. And, may we remember that we do not go into the fire alone. There is One who is always with us, and if we are fortunate, we’ll see the many others who have both gone before us to lead the way or are walking beside us in the midst of the flame. But no matter what – just keep going. There are others behind you, following in your steps. Show them the way out.
Father – thank You for Your sustaining power this week. You are good and You keep doing good. Your leadership in my life is perfect and You can be trusted. Amen.
Daily Reading: Matthew 17, Mark 9, Luke 9:28-62
October 21, 2022