Roots in Abundant Waters

“The waters made it grow; Underground waters gave it height, With their rivers running around the place where it was planted, And sent out rivulets to all the trees of the field. ‘Therefore its height was exalted above all the trees of the field; Its boughs were multiplied, And its branches became long because of the abundance of water, As it sent them out…‘Thus it was beautiful in greatness and in the length of its branches, Because its roots reached to abundant waters.”

‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭31:4-5, 7‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Scientists estimate that a tree can absorb between 10-150 gallons of water PER day – that’s incredible! The extensive root systems weave and extend far underground searching for moisture and extend much further than its branches do. 

Roots are said to be the “brains” of the tree. Somehow they were created to search for water. Tap or “heart” roots will extend deep into soil in its quest for water while others creep along the soil. The roots will break through rocks, concrete, and hardened soil until it finds what it is searching for. No matter what it takes, no matter the obstacle, roots will find a life source. 

While studying about trees, I ran across one in the Kalahari Desert. The “Shepherd’s Tree” has the deepest documented roots: more 230 feet deep! Accidentally discovered by drillers, the find was a remarkable discovery welcomed by scientists around the globe. 

Trees cannot grow without water. It’s that simple. Likewise, as a follower of Yeshua, I cannot grow in my faith unless I am “tapped” into Him. Yet unlike a tree root who will press and break through obstacles until it finds water, I am prone to give up or simply stop far too often. Perhaps the sweetest and best water is on the other side of the obstacle, just below the rocks. Perhaps if I’ll keep pressing, keep searching, and keep seeking I’ll find the place of abundance in Him alone. It may seem dry and hopeless at times, and I may not be able to SEE the water source, but there is One available to me more abundant than I can imagine. Even when it’s hard and I feel like giving up or giving in, I’ll keep pressing, searching, reaching, bending, and listening for the sound of water. It’s time to go deeper.  

Father – thank You for Your Word and Your truth. Thank You for speaking to me again and again. You are good and You keep doing good. Your leadership in my life is perfect and You can be trusted. Amen. 

Daily Reading: Ezekiel 28-31

September 5, 2022