“I have no greater joy than this—to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”
3 John 1:4 TLV

Randal is preparing to leave in two days to start his grand adventure. He’ll attend luthier school for 6 months then graduate with a trade he intends to pursue for his future. Years ago when he spoke of wanting to be a missionary, we encouraged him to pursue a trade he could take with him wherever he went – he chose this.
Last night as I was thinking about him and what we needed to do and to pack, it dawned on me that I’m oddly not emotional about it – nor was I when he went to IHOP. Rather, I was excited because this is something he’s been preparing for and it’s just one more step to his future independence and following his dreams. Then, I heard the quiet whisper of the Lord- “he has the most important thing. His faith is strong. He is ready. Trust Me with him.”
Among the list of to-do’s and the things to pack, Randal has a deeply rooted faith and strong convictions that will guide him like a compass. His joy is hard to ignore. Watching him walk this path he’s on is exhilarating, and, at times, it’s frustrating. It’s hard to not push him to do it my way but to let him think, do, and sometimes fail. I feel like I’m on the sidelines watching him in this game of life.
This scripture is life to me today. No matter where Randal goes, or Alathia for that matter, my greatest joy is in seeing them walk in truth and in hearing them speak with confidence and conviction about the things of G-d. It was, after all, the heart of our family mission statement to raise children who were worshippers of G-d and who passionately pursued Him on their own. I know they will experience struggles, losses, and disappointments in life – after all that’s just part of the game, but I also know Who holds and guides them. He loves them far more than I do and He can be trusted to accomplish His purposes in their life.
Father – thank You for blessing me with children. I know not everyone has that opportunity. Help me to love and lead like You. Help me to trust You more with their future. You are good and You keep doing good. Your leadership in my life is perfect and You can be trusted. Amen.
Daily Reading: 2 John, 3 John
December 27, 2022