“Hatred stirs up strife, But love covers and overwhelms all transgressions[forgiving and overlooking another’s faults]…When there are many words, transgression and offense are unavoidable, But he who controls his lips and keeps thoughtful silence is wise.”
Proverbs 10:12, 19 AMP

Do you ever feel like a walking pin cushion – constantly poked and prodded? Set off by the slightest comment or car that cuts you off in traffic? No? It’s just me? Well – then this one is for me.
At times, I feel super sensitive to being offended and causing offense. Days or times where I can’t seem to say the right things or can’t get out of my “feelings” that run so deep.
As I was reading today and meditating on the Word and some things in my heart, I heard the Spirit say, “listen more, love more, talk less.” If I just did those three things consistently, I could avoid both causing offense and being offended.
The Hebrew word for “love” above is one I’ve never heard – ahăḇâ. It’s the word used to describe Jonathan and David’s friendship, how the Shulamite desired her beloved in the Song of Solomon, and G-d’s devotion to Israel. This kind of love is strong. In this meaning, love is a feeling. And – this kind of love comes from G-d alone.
Today, I’m asking G-d to love others – specifically my family – through me. I’m asking Him to transform my heart, to help me FEEL a deep love for my husband, my children, my parents, my people. I want to love more, listen more, and speak less – pouring out love in abundance and measuring words more carefully. As Mother Teresa said, “If you want to change the world, go home and {ahăḇâ} love your family.”
His banner over me is ahăḇâ-(Songs 2:4) – may I be a wave His banner of love over those around me today. May I change the world – starting at home – today.
Father – forgive me where my love has grown cold, comfortable, complacent towards Vance and my children. Awaken ahăḇâ in me. Stir it up Lord. Help me to love more, to listen more, and to speak less. G-d I don’t want to be offended or to cause an offense. I want to love like You. I want to speak like You. You are good and You keep doing good. Your leadership in my life is perfect and You can be trusted. Amen.
Daily Reading: Proverbs 10-12
June 6, 2022