“All Scripture is inspired by G-d and useful for teaching, for reproof, for restoration, and for training in righteousness, so that the person belonging to G-d may be capable, fully equipped for every good deed.”
2 Timothy 3:16-17 TLV

At the beginning of 2022, I committed to reading the Bible, cover to cover, in one year. I had a dear friend who had used the Daily Audio Bible app and she shared how it helped and inspired her. But G-d wasn’t put it on my heart to do more than listen to and read the Word – He put it on my heart to write a corresponding devotional every day, hence, this blog.
As I’ve journeyed through the scriptures, I’ve found that the process of reading through the Bible has been far more inspirational and transformative than I could have imagined it would be. I’ve fallen in love with His Words. The scriptures have come alive to me and every day I feel like I unwrap a gift as He opens the Word, speaks to me, then places words in my heart to write. I only regret it took me 24 years of walking with Him to do it.
There are plenty of “self help” books around, but there’s only One book that has withstood the test of time. Thousands of archaeological finds have confirmed the historical accuracy of the Bible. Additionally, using the same criteria used to judge other historical texts, the Bible was found to more reliable. Historians and scholars agree that the Bible an accurate and reliable text.
From Genesis to Revelation, G-d provided us with the best self help guide in existence. Life is hard and life is grand – but it is harder and less grand without Him and without His words. So often I question things that don’t make sense, turning to man’s wisdom for comfort and guidance – yet in reality, the answer to every question within my heart is found on the pages the Bible. The Word of G-d is inspired. It is a guide and tool. It is a “how to” text for life. Of all the great leadership books I’ve read and quote, the Bible is the only one capable of fully equipping me to do everything He has called me to do.
May I fall more in love with the Word than the library books beside my bed. May His Word be the first words to penetrate my heart in the morning and the last on my lips at night. To become like Him, I have to study the “handbook” I’ve been provided. More of Him. Less of me. Always.
Father – thank You for Your Word. Thank You for opening it to me and awakening me to more of Your truth. Forgive me for not prioritizing You – for not giving You first place – for so long. You are good and You keep doing good. Your leadership in my life is perfect and You can be trusted. Amen.
Daily Reading: 2 Timothy 1-4
December 24, 2022