“The Lord looks from heaven; He sees all the sons of men. From the place of His dwelling He looks On all the inhabitants of the earth; He fashions their hearts individually; He considers all their works.”
Psalms 33:13-15 NKJV

The Psalms says that He yāṣar {squeezed into shape, like a piece of pottery on a potters wheel} the lēḇ {the seat of emotions, their courage and will, their gifting, calling, and bent} of all men and women.
You. Me. Our children. Our neighbors. Our colleagues. Our friends and our foes.
Every single one of us has been squeezed and molded into a specific shape to fit with perfectly within His design and His plan. Not our plan – His plan. And while we’ve each been created unique in nature, we’ve all been created for one singular purpose: a relationship with G-d.
There used to be a phrase I heard often at church functions – we are all created with a G-d shaped hole in our hearts that only He can fill. This verse and the idea of G-d squeezing, fashioning, and forming gives me a deeper understanding and appreciation for that sentiment.
Fired and finished pottery will crack and possibly break when it is thrown, when it falls, or when it is hit with force. But – did you know broken pottery can be repaired? It’s all the rage today in modern art. The Japanese art of repairing broken pottery – Kintsukuroi (translated golden joinery) – turns a broken vessel into a work of art. The seams of broken piece are rejoined with a special tree sap and the tree sap is then dusted with powdered gold, silver, or platinum. It’s quite stunning really.
Our hearts are like that pottery. Yes, He fashioned us. But if we don’t guard our hearts, they get beat up, damaged, and wounded. Hearts can be broken – and, hearts can be healed.
In May 1999, Momma Anita gave me this prophetic word at the new member class graduation: “Broken pieces coming together.”
As I reflect on being fashioned, formed, and squeezed by G-d, I realize that word spoken 23 years ago has come to pass. He’s healed me. He’s restored me. The cracks and broken pieces of my life which I used to hate have come together because of His grace. There’s gold glittering where once was a sharp edge.
Sometimes the squeezing hurts. Sometimes the squeezing comforts. But always the squeezing brings forth life.
Broken pieces coming together in you and in me as we are fashioned to love Him and be carriers of His glory above all else.
Father – Thank You for Your Word that heals. Your kindness is more than I deserve. You are good. Your leadership in my life is perfect and You can be trusted. Amen.
Daily Reading: Psalms 25, 29, 33, 36, 39