Clear the way! I love to walk – maybe it has something to do with the fact that I was called “Walker” for the majority of my life or maybe it’s the peace I find on the trail – either way, the tedious action of placing one foot in front of the other feeds my soul. This morning in my quiet time, a verse about walking stood out to me: “Ponder the path of your feet, And let all your ways be established.”Proverbs 4:26 NKJVSomething about the phrase “ponder the path” struck a nerve in my heart so I headed to my favorite resource: the Blue Letter Bible (www.blueletterbible.org). **Ponder: palas – to make level or smooth – specifically by rolling a cylinder up and down over the path until it is smooth**Path: ma gal – course of action or life; in the figurative sense – a wagon track Two other versions phrase it this way:~“Clear a level path for your feet, so all your ways will be firm.” – TLV~“Consider well and watch carefully the path of your feet, And all your ways will be steadfast and sure.” – AMPPersonally, I’ve been on some shaky ground lately. I’ve wrestled with the unknown and pushed back against the discomfort of change. My “path” has felt like what I imagine the roads looked like when this Proverbs was written: filled with deep trenches made by heavy wagons as people traveled to the market and littered with large, unmovable rocks and mud holes. As I continued to research the verse, the next part stopped me in my tracks:**ways: derek – the high path of moral action and character **be established: to be set and secure in a moral sense While meditating on this verse, G-d spoke quietly to my heart words I heard years ago in a message by Gary Weins: I am coming for an unoffended Bride for a Son who is worthy. Will you allow the circumstances and the shaking to clear a path in your heart?Walking in security is an issue of the heart, and all of the “shaking” I feel has one purpose: to produce more of Him and less of me – to test the character of my heart to see how I will respond. God wants to use me – and you – but He cannot use an offended Bride. The uncomfortable things I hate, the change, the insecurity, are cylinders being used to smooth out the hard places in my heart so that my will, my actions, my character aligns with His. God is preparing my heart for His Son who is worthy. May I be found ready, yielded, and submitted. ~ Marci