“…Blessed is he who stays awake and who keeps his clothes [that is, stays spiritually ready for the Lord’s return], so that he will not be … spiritually unprepared…”
Revelation 16:15 AMP

As I was reading today’s passage, I was reminded of our December tornado here in Texas just a few weeks ago. Leave it to us to have something so crazy.
The kids and I happened to be in Grapevine for our last OCC week when we were awakened just after 8am by a combination of outdoor weather sirens and alerts on our phones. Since we were staying in a hotel, I happened to have my shoes right by the bed followed by jeans and a jacket close by. Because I was prepared, I was able to get dressed right away and exit as soon as the announcement to evacuate was made.
In my spiritual life, I should be even more prepared. My spirit should remain awake or grēgoreō – watchful, alert, and cautious; to take heed lest through remissness and indolence some destructive calamity suddenly overtake one. When I travel, have a routine I follow closely in my hotel room. Since I am in an unfamiliar environment, I find comfort in being alert and prepared – I can even be repacked and out the door in less than 10 minutes. But at home, I’m less prepared – I dare say I couldn’t grab my shoes in the dark like I can when I travel.
I felt the conviction of the Lord today about my spiritual alertness and routine. Have I become too comfortable, unaware of where my “spiritual” shoes and clothes are? Or, is my spirit awake and alert? I believe one day the object of my hope, Yeshua, will return for me and I want to be found ready, alert, and watchful.
As I write my final blogs, I find myself measuring each word more carefully. Maybe it’s because I know they are the last of this season – maybe it’s because I’m just reflective that way. This processes has been good for me. I posted a quote the recently that said “I write so I can heal.” That’s true for me of this year, writing the daily blogs has been a part of my healing journey. Some were HARD to write and I did it out of obedience, not inspiration, and other days the words came as easy as a summer rain. But along the way, the daily practice and discipline of writing has awakened something deep within me.
I don’t know what tomorrow holds or even 2023 – none of us do. But, I am awake and ready. Are you?
Father – Thank You for Your faithfulness to show up day after day and inspire words. Maybe I’m grieving this time with You because I’m already missing it and I have a few more to go. I am grateful You’ve met me here. You are good and You keep doing good. Your leadership in my life is perfect and You can be trusted. Amen.
Daily Reading: Revelation: 12-18
December 30, 2022