“Then Adonai answered Job out of the whirlwind. He said:”
Job 38:1 TLV
Adonai – Y-hova (H3068)- The Existing One – Jehovah – the Self Existent and Eternal One- the LORD – the Jewish national name of G-d – “answered” – more specifically, sing, shout, testify, announce:—give account (H6030).

Read that again. The Self Existent, Eternal One, the G-d of the Universe SPOKE!
Job sounded despondent in the last chapters he spoke – he had run out of words – and when he finally reached the end, G-d spoke in a clear, decisive, impossible to be ignored way.
Can you imagine what His voice must sound like – audibly? The Word says His voice sounds like many waters (Ezekiel 43:2) and like thunder (John 12:29). He also speaks like a man speaks to a friend (Genesis 18). And when He comes, sometimes His presence is like a whisper (I Kings 19) and sometimes His presence is like a whirlwind as it was with Job.
I used to wonder what it would be like to hear His voice audibly then I realized, I do hear it! I know the still, small voice of Adonai. I recognize His presence when He comes close to me.
Though He may not answer every prayer the way I want and He may not answer on my time table, I am confident of this: He will come and He will answer! So while I’m waiting on G-d, I will, like Mary, treasure all the things He does and says in my heart (Luke 2:19) and I will rehearse the goodness of G-d in the waiting (Psalms 78).
Whatever season we find ourselves in – despondent like Job, in a season of waiting for Him, or in a time of plenty with Him – may we be found faithful.
A dear friend and former Pastor of ours, Kerry Kirkwood, used to say that when the timing of G-d and the purposes of G-d intersect, there was a “suddenly” of G-d.
Do not lose heart. He will come and He will speak. Hang on a little longer – He’s just waiting for the perfect time for a suddenly.
Adonai – You know our need. You see us. I believe You are working out all of the details even now. My heart is weary. My mind is anxious. Please forgive me for doubting You. Remove the doubt and fear. Calm my spirit and increase my faith. I’m waiting and I know You will come. You are good. You can be trusted, and Your leadership in my life is perfect. Amen.