“He who believes in Me [who adheres to, trusts in, and relies on Me], as the Scripture has said, ‘From his innermost being will flow continually rivers of living water.‘ ””
John 7:38 AMP

Have you ever met someone that always seems to know what to say? A person that when they speak, you lean in and listen? I have a few people like that in my life. I consider them to be deep wells. One such man is my mentor and Pastor. Every single visit I lean in and glean from the source of wisdom that flows from deep within. Every visit is life giving and every moment with him is a treasure. It could be said of him that living water flows from his ‘innermost being,’ though he’ll be the first to tell you it wasn’t always that way.
The Greek word in this passage for “innermost being” is koilia – a feminine noun meaning womb, matrix of the heart, or belly. It implies both the physical belly or womb, where life is nurtured, and the emotional, innermost part of us where our emotions are housed: our soul, the seat of all thoughts, feelings, and and choices.
All day, everyday, I make deposits into my soul. I picture it like a well of sorts. I can fill it up with the things of G-d or I can fill it up with the things of the world – and at some point, the things I pour into the well will be poured out into and onto others.
I admit that I’ve gone through dry seasons where G-d seems silent. Could it be, in the dry seasons, that something of the world that I’ve allowed in is blocking the well? When I adhere to, trust, and rely on Him alone, He pours into me so that I can pour into others. But when I doubt and question, when I hold onto anger and pain, when I rely on myself, I’m piling up stones which block the flow. I want a belly full of His presence- so full that others get splashed if they come close. More of Him. Less of me. Always.
Father – thank You for Your Word and Your presence. Over and over You convict and speak to me. You are good and You keep doing good. Your leadership in my life is perfect and You can be trusted. Amen.
Daily Reading: John 7-8
October 23, 2022
One response to “A Full Belly ”
Good article.