To Him Who 

“Give thanks to the Lord of Lords. His faithful love endures forever. Give thanks to him who alone does mighty miracles. His faithful love endures forever.”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭136:3-4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I still remember the new member class “graduation” at Shady Grove. It was such a special time of prayer and prophecy as we celebrated completing 32 weeks of study to join the church. 

I’ve written before about parts of what was prophesied over me in May 1999, specifically by Warren Hastings and Momma Anita. As I read today’s passage I had to smile. In 1999, Momma Anita called me out, as she was prone to do, and said I had depended on my feelings way too long but they are fickle and could not be trusted. “You will learn and see that He is good no matter how you “feel” in the moment. It will become your testimony,” she proclaimed. 

Part of me learning to master my emotions and praise through pain was learning to pray this chapter. It’s a good “pump primer” – a list of irrefutable reasons and evidence to praise and give thanks to G-d. 

When things are busy and I’m tired (or hungry) it’s easy to be buried under the emotion of my flesh. But the truth is, He is good no matter how I feel at the moment or no matter what is happening. If I can keep Him before me, I can keep my attitude in check. Research shows overall health is improved with the simple practice of gratitude. Can you imagine the power of thanking HIM first, above all things, over and over? Intentionally listing, repeating, and adding to all of the miracles He’s done, prayers He’s answered, words He’s spoken to be read over and over? 

Imagine a journal filled with lines like this: 

Give thanks to the Lord of Lords. His faithful love endures forever!! 

Give thanks to him who healed me from meningitis! His faithful love endures forever!! 

Give thanks to him who protected and saved Vance and Randal in a terrible collision! His faithful love endures forever!! 

Give thanks to him who saved me! His faithful love endures forever!! 

Can you imagine a book filled with “to Him who”? Talk about a testimony for generations to come!  

To Him who loved me and called me – to Him alone be all of my glory and praise. 

Father – thank You for Your love and kindness. Give me a heart to seek You and eyes for You alone. You are good and You keep doing good. Your leadership in my life is perfect and You can be trusted. Amen. 

Daily Reading: 2 Chronicles 6-7, Psalms 136

June 14, 2022