They did not know 

“Also, all [the people of] that generation were gathered to their fathers [in death]; and another generation arose after them who did not know (recognize, understand) the Lord, nor even the work which He had done for Israel.”

‭‭Judges‬ ‭2:10‬ ‭AMP‬‬

This might be one of the saddest verses I’ve read – a generation arose that did not know G-d. How could that be?! He did SO much! 

The Hebrew word for “know” in the passage above is yāḏaʿ – and means, in this passage, to know, to come to know, or to experience someone – specifically G-d, through intelligent worship and obedience. 

Could it be they didn’t worship Him and didn’t understand Him because they were not taught to do so?

The thought is a little terrifying to me. Vance and I have made many sacrifices to follow what we believe to be G-d’s will for our family so that our children and their children, etc., might serve Him. If I allow myself for a moment to think that Randal and Alathia’s grandchildren may be like those above – that were not taught to worship or know Him – it deeply saddens me.

We hold firm to the conviction that we should position our children in an environment where they can come to know G-d personally. Our home is filled with worship, we attend a worshipping church that preaches the Word, we remind ourselves and our children of all He has done through observing the feasts and the Sabbath, and we recount what He’s done on a frequent basis. 

However, I’m struck today by a phrase I heard, “more is caught than taught.”  While it’s wonderful to do these things, my children will learn more by watching me than my listening to me. Am I living the life of a worshipper before them? Am I a reflection of Him in my words and actions? Do they see Him in me? If the answer is no to any of those questions, what I say, what I write, and what I teach them on Friday’s and during the Feasts is worthless. 

HOW I live before my children today will position them and future generations of Purtells to either know Him or deny Him. It’s sobering and convicting to think about it that way. May I live such an authentic life before them and any generations I live to see that they can’t help but encounter Him in and through me. 

Father – thank You for Your love and conviction. Draw Randal and Alathia’s hearts to you so that they may know and encounter You personally. Continue to mark them for eternity. Give me wisdom to lead and guide them. Make me a mirror for You and for Your presence. When people look at me, let it be You they see. You are good. Your leadership in my life is perfect and You can be trusted. Amen. 

Daily Reading: Judges 1-2