“There remained among the Israelites seven tribes who had not yet divided their inheritance. So Joshua asked them, “How long will you put off entering to take possession of the land which the Lord, the God of your fathers, has given you?Provide for yourselves three men from each tribe so that I may send them, and that they may go through the land and write a description of it with regard to their [tribal] inheritance; then they shall return to me.”
Joshua 18:2-4 AMP
Wait a second. 7 tribes – IN the Promised Land- yet, “camping out” and living like they were still in the wilderness? That’s crazy!
I can only imagine why the 7 tribes delayed. Maybe decision fatigue. Maybe they lacked insight and vision. It could have been uncertainty and doubt. Perhaps they were stuck in old mindsets. Maybe they were just tried and wanted someone to just tell them what to do. Maybe they were just plain tired.
Whatever their reasons or excuses, scientists say there are two primary emotions that drive all of our decisions – fear or happiness – and it certainly wasn’t the latter emotion driving them. Fear was the was the voice of their excuses and the obstacle delaying their inheritance.
I wonder how often I avoid walking in the fullness of what G-d has for me simply because I am afraid? G-d tells me to write a book and to finish an important license – yet I keep putting off both. Sure I’m “busy” but could fear be my hidden obstacle? Could I be sabotaging myself? Could He be asking me today – how long will you put off entering into all of the fullness I have for you? How long will you hold onto fear? Dare you let go so you can grab into what’s next?
Sitting here meditating on this passage and my life, I realize I’ve been driven by fear a lot lately. I’ve been questioning choices I’ve made lately and struggling with regrets. I’ve been battling imposture syndrome and struggling to not compare and measure myself to others. Then it hit me. Behind ALL OF IT is fear. Fear of letting down my new boss. Fear of missing out. Fear we made a wrong decision in moving. Fear I will gain the weight back that I lost. Like the 7 tribes, fear is the the voice of my excuses and the obstacle delaying my inheritance.
There’s a church in our old town with their motto plastered in huge letters on their building, visible to everyone that drives by: “Fear Go. Holy Spirit Come.” It’s simple yet profound. Fear is not of G-d. Fear doesn’t sound like Him or feel like Him. I always told my kids that the voice and presence of of G-d brings peace and if you’re hearing or feeling something else in your heart- it’s not Him. Even His conviction – like I am feeling right now – brings peace!
Author Mel Robbins has a “5 second” rule to success. He says, “The 5 Second Rule is simple. If you have an instinct to act on a goal, you must physically move within 5 seconds or your brain will kill it. The moment you feel an instinct or a desire to act on a goal or a commitment, use the Rule.” I first heard about it from my friend and former coach Meagan Adams-Veoukas when she posted a reel and said “5-4-3-2-1 do the hard thing”. It’s hard to let go of fear – especially when it’s been something I’ve lived with for so long. Yet, if I want to move into all that G-d has for me, the whisper I feel in my spirit must become my call for action: “5-4-3-2-1 – Fear GO!”
Fear Go, Holy Spirit Come in me today.
Father – thank You for Your grace. I repent of believing the voice of fear over You. I repent of doubting what I know You’ve called me to do. Heal my heart of those places. Perfect and mature Your love in me and cast out all fear. You are good. Your leadership in my life is perfect and You can be trusted. Amen.
Daily Reading: Joshua 16-18