Yet, for all this… 

“Yet for all this you did not trust in Adonai your God—”

‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭1:32‬ ‭TLV‬‬

I made it to Deuteronomy – the fifth book of the Torah and Moses’ final three sermons of his life – sermons meant to prepare the Israelites to enter and inhabit the Promised Land. As he opens his final words, he begins by reminding them of the many things G-d has done. It’s kind of like watching a highlight reel. 

What struck me today was just this simple verse above – yet for all this you did not trust. 

I’ve been meditating this morning on what G-d has done for me – AND THERE IS SO MUCH!! I could fill a book with the numerous testimonies from my own life of ways G-d has healed me, guided me, protected me, and cared for me. 

Yet … still, at times, I doubt, I question, I worry, I complain. Why? Because I lack vision, I believe a bad report, I complain, and I have a short memory when my “feelings” are involved. 

Sometimes I need a Moses to remind me of the “for all this”. Sometimes I just need to remind myself, because when I do, I’m overwhelmed at His goodness to me. 

Father – You’ve been so kind to me, more kind than I deserve. You are the only One worthy of worship and devotion. You are good. Your leadership in my life is perfect. I trust You. Amen. 

Daily Reading: Deuteronomy 1-2