“And Moses said to Aaron, “This is what the Lord spoke, saying: ‘By those who come near Me I must be regarded as holy; And before all the people I must be glorified.’ ” So Aaron held his peace.”
Leviticus 10:3 NKJV
Regard – from the Middle and Old English to guard or to look upon. The Hebrew word used in this phrase is qāḏaš -to be treated as sacred.
While I was meditating on this verse today I was reminded of an example I used in a workshop called “Sacred Space, Sacred Trust” about interpreting and how we treat Deaf consumers. This morning the Lord brought the example to mind and spoke to my heart that His presence is to be treated even more sacred. Here’s the example:
When we hold an infant, we always support their neck and head – we cradle the head and protect it. It’s the same way with the work we do. Communication and trust with our Deaf consumers is the same way. As interpreters we cherish and guard the trust placed within us and the communication that passes through us. Just as letting a baby’s head flop around is dangerous, it is even more dangerous to disregard our consumer and take trust for granted.
G-d spoke to my heart in the quiet of the morning to do the same with Him. Cherish His presence. Guard His presence. Regard Him as sacred. Recognize how precious He is – how cherished His presence is. Have an awareness of Him and His presence that I carry within me. It alone is truly sacred. It is precious. It is cherished. It should be guarded and regarded above ALL things in my life.
I wonder how often I enter His presence distracted and not truly cognizant of the fact that I am approaching THE ONE True, HOLY G-d of the Universe – the Self Existent One, Yehova. G-d. The One who’s name is considered too Holy to write fully so a dash is used by the Jewish people to show honor to Him. His presence alone is what is truly sacred.
I always say I value my alone time and I guard my Friday’s. Do I value time with Him as much? Do I protect and cherish His presence and much as I cherish and protect my Friday schedule at work? Not always.
I dare to say I take His presence for granted. I dare to say He’s been an afterthought at times.
There was a season where I was cognizant of the fact that He was always before me. I imagined Him sitting or standing beside me and it did impact how I responded in situations. Sometimes I relegate Him to a certain time in my day or week. Sometimes I get so busy and distracted that I forget He is INSIDE OF ME – therefore I need to act like it and start guarding, regarding, looking upon, and treating Him is sacred because He is.
Father – forgive me for being flippant about Your presence and taking You for granted. Capture my heart again. You are the Only One worthy. I look to You alone and place You in the highest place in My life. You are good. Your leadership in my life is perfect and You can be trusted. Amen.
Daily Reading: Leviticus 8-10