Last month I had the privilege of driving to KC with Randal as we released him into the next chapter of his life. The trip was filled with stories, his favorite tunes, snacks, and laughs.
After he dropped me off at the hotel for the final time, I was filled with an incredible sense of peace and joy. I prayed as while Randal drove away, thanking God for His grace. I even asked if I was a terrible mom for not crying! I then heard God whisper to my spirit, “I joyfully gave My Son.”

I’ve pondered the statement for weeks. I don’t exactly know why but for some reason, I had this thought that God begrudgingly sent His Son into the world – a gift given half-heartedly. But as I stood outside of the hotel watching Randal drive away, I was struck with the revelation that God joyfully and willingly gave His son! From the moment of creation, God had a plan. It wasn’t “plan B” – it was THE plan – to one day send His son to the earth to fulfill His destiny at the cross. My heart felt like bursting!
Randal is walking in fulfillment of the vision God gave us before we had children. There is such JOY in that!

3 John 1:4 sums up how I am feeling: “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.”
The Greek word for joy in this verse is chara and refers to a joy that comes from the Holy Spirit. The word for truth is my favorite Greek word – aletheia – and in this verse it means walking in sincerity, free of deceit and pretence, before God and in the ways of God.
There is incredible peace in watching Randal walk out this season. The leadership at the Fire in the Night Internship are investing in him and challenging him. Randal is among a community of like minded people with one vision: to cry out to God day and night. I know Randal will face challenges and seasons where he will be tested. But this season – a season of seeking God first – is sweet and crucial as he lays his foundation for the future and it is a joy to witness.

Whatever your vision is for your family, don’t give up. Parenting is a blessing, and it is, at times, brutal. It is the hardest job on the planet – yet the most important. And, it is SO INCREDIBLY SHORT!! Being a parent and loving your family well is more important than being President of the United States. As Mother Teresa wisely said, “if you want to change the world, go home and love your family.” We will not heal as a nation until we start loving our families.
If you do not have a family vision, I would love to help you draft one. Without vision, we wander aimlessly. Seriously, leave a comment and I’ll reach out.
(Scroll through pictures for baby Randal with his first guitar at 3 years old!!)
~ Marci