“Then the Lord said, “Hear what the unjust judge is saying. Won’t God do justice for His chosen ones, who cry out to Him day and night? Will He be slow to help them?”
Luke 18:6-7 TLV

I hate asking for help. So when I ask for it, I really need it. And, often, I’ll just ask once then let it go. If help is given, I might ask again. But if my ask is ignored, I will just do it myself.
Unfortunately the habit of depending upon myself extends into my prayer life. Early in my faith, I prayed for things like a dog with a bone – I would not give up, praying again and again until an answer came, whether it be yes or no.
I realized today that somewhere along the way, I stopped asking again and again. I stopped pressing in. I stopped crying out for justice day and night. Sure I’d cry out – but after 20 years of praying for break through for the same thing, I realized today I’ve sort of given up on the pressing. My faith has been rocked. Oh sure – I know G-d is good. I know He has saved me. I know He is powerful. And I know He answers other people, but I realized today that I’ve let His silence over a handful of areas silence me. Instead of returning to Him to plead my case just one more time, I’ve just stopped asking.
Maybe it’s time to become like the persistent widow again. Maybe it’s time to ask one more time. Maybe it’s time to ask for justice again.
And maybe, just maybe, He will come to hear what I have to say and relent.
Father – I don’t know that I have the courage to ask again. Give me strength to trust again. Amen.
Daily Reading: Luke 17:11-18:14
October 30, 2022