“Yes, a person is a fool to store up earthly wealth but not have a rich relationship with God.””
Luke 12:21 NLT

I was struck by the phrase today “rich toward G-d.” The TLV uses the phrase “rich in G-d” and the NJKV reads “rich toward G-d.”
The message is fairly straightforward: if we fail at investing in our relationship with Yeshua, we fail to plan for eternity.
So how do we become “rich in or toward G-d”? We read the word, pray, spend time in His presence, and worship. We invest in the currency that matters to Him – intimacy, community, presence. It reminds me of early parenting advice I got – my children need my presence more than they need my paycheck. Yes, I need to provide for their physical needs, but at the end of the day, it’s me they want, not the stuff. The stuff is temporary – I can’t begin to remember all of cheap gifts or toys I’ve wasted money on. We rarely speak of those things. But what we do talk about are the memories and time spent together. It’s a regret I have and one thing I would undo – I would give less stuff and would invest in experiences and encounters that gave us time together so we could invest in relationships with one another.
That is what He is after. Relationship. When we sit and when we stand. When we lie down. He wants all of us. He wants the good and the bad. He wants to hear about hurts and frustrations, thanks and praise. He just wants us. And that is how we become rich in our relationship with Him – by setting aside time to spend Him, intentionally cultivating intimacy.
It’s like compound interest. It’s not a windfall or one time encounter that makes us rich in relationship with Yeshua. He’s not a lotto ticket. It’s the day after day investing that brings the greatest treasure in the end.
Father – thank You for Your presence in my life. Thank You for Your word. Thank You for how You love me and made a way for me. You are good and You keep doing good. Your leadership in my life is perfect and You can be trusted. Amen.
Daily Reading: Luke 12-13
October 26, 2022