“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand.”
John 10:27-28 NKJV

Over the summer I wrote about a theological framework I’ve wrestled with for some time: “once saved always saved.” The premise of it comes from this verse and at first glance, it makes sense. But as I wrote in June, I am wrestling with it. I believe it goes back to the salvation and how we define it. Is salvation a single act of believing, repenting, confessing, and trusting, or is it an ongoing act of transformation? In the denomination in which I was raised, evangelism was heavily emphasized – get them saved and baptized – but the ongoing work of discipleship was lacking. I remember clearly when I sought help for suicidal thoughts and depression. Three pastors told me I was saved and that was enough. After all, they saw it in my church “letter.” But, they didn’t know how I struggled with thoughts of death that literally consumed my every waking moment.
In today’s reading, Yeshua describes two responses of His sheep. First, they hear – or akouō, His voice. The Greek translation for this word is “yield obedience to the voice.” The idea of yielding in this way paints such a beautiful image – they defer to Him, turn at His voice, and follow Him. They don’t have to be forced – they yield. Sure, there might have to be some tapping with the rod and staff, but the heart and desires yield. Second, they follow – or akoloutheō – Him which means to cleave steadfastly to one, conform wholly to his example, in living and if need be in dying also.
His sheep yield and cleave. They don’t just answer one time, they stay close to Him, they look to Him, they cleave to Him.
This is my challenge with a doctrine I was taught from a girl. I was taught what it meant to repeat and be baptized, but I wasn’t taught how to cleave until years later at Shady Grove Church. It’s a missing link I see in churches still today – teaching the body about the ongoing work of cleaving to Him. As I was taught in 1998, there’s a head knowledge of G-d and there’s a heart knowledge of Him. One leads to dead works and one to eternity. The seeds of salvation were planted in my heart when I was a little girl but I didn’t cleave to Him until August 16, 1998, and I’ve been clinging to Him since. Sometimes it seems as if I’m holding on by a thread and others times as if I’m holding on for dear life with all my might, but I’m confident He who holds onto me won’t let go.
Yield and cleave to Him. For me, there’s just no other way to live.
Father – thank You for how You meet me day after day. You are good and You keep doing good. Your leadership in my life is perfect and You can be trusted. Amen.
Daily Reading: Luke 10-11, John 10:22-42
October 25, 2022