“For Mordecai the Jew was second to King Ahasuerus, and was great among the Jews and well received by the multitude of his brethren, seeking the good of his people and speaking peace to all his countrymen.”
Esther 10:3 NKJV
Mordecai was well received by his brethren and sought their good – but it didn’t start when he was promoted to second in command. Rather, it started long before and was a lifestyle.
Mordecai honored the King. When he first learned of a plot to murder the king, he reported it. He protected and honored the King.
Mordecai bowed to G-d alone. When he refused to bow to Haman, Mordecai was beaten. Still, he refused to bow to man.
Mordecai trusted G-d for deliverance. When he was told of the plot to kill the Jews, he called a fast, tore his clothes, and trusted G-d to intervene.
Mordecai’s faithfulness and character were developed long before his promotion. It was cultivated in the face of trials and difficulties. It was pruned through rejection. It was tested when he had to stand firm in faith. And, when his character was mature, only then was he promoted.
There’s a lesson there for G-d’s people. This trial is a test and the pain has a purpose. Rejection by man is an opportunity for G-d. I will trust Him to bring His purposes and plans for me to pass when He thinks I am ready and not a moment before. Until then, I’ll lean into the pruning.
Father – thank You for Your Word and Your presence. Make me who You want me to be. You are good and You keep doing good. Your leadership in my life is perfect and You can be trusted. Amen.
Daily Reading: Esther 6-10
September 24, 2022