““So you, My sheep, the sheep of My pasture, you are human, and I am your God.” It is a declaration of Adonai Elohim.”
Ezekiel 34:31 TLV
I’ve been fortunate to attend many weddings as both an interpreter and a guest. And for the most part, sermons during a wedding usually follow a common theme. I recall one celebration where I a pastor shared an illustration I’d never considered. The pastor told the groom that he was marrying one of G-d’s favorite daughters and to treat her accordingly. In other words, value, guard, and protect her above every other thing and person in his life.
I thought about that today while meditating on this passage. What would happen if I treated everyone as G-d’s “sheep” – His own, special, prized possession? I imagine I would respond differently if I kept the thought ever before me.
This passage convicts me because it highlights something I’ve been praying and thinking about – my response to specific situations. I’ve noticed recently that it seems “easier” to freely extend grace to non-family members. It flows so naturally at work yet at home, I am ashamed to admit I struggle at times. There are moments I find myself getting frustrated easily over seemingly minute issues. Why is there any difference at all? Could it be that I’ve become too familiar and too comfortable with those I’m called to serve first? Could it be that I’ve forgotten grace at home matters most? Could it be I’ve forgotten to be grateful? Could it be that I harbor unforgiveness? Or even bitterness?
I can honestly say there are several yeses in the “could be’s” above. I don’t think it’s one big thing, but rather a combination of small things that have brought me to this point.
The truth is, I don’t always look at my husband, my son, and my daughter with the right perspective. Yes, I may be married to Vance but before he is my husband, he is first a son of G-d. I may be mom to Jr and AJ, but before they are my children, they are HIS. They are HIS sheep first and foremost above all things, and one day I will be held accountable to G-d Himself over how I’ve loved, treated, and spoken to them.
Today’s reading is hard but timely. It’s good to have a friend like G-d who lovingly holds up a mirror to me and gives me an opportunity to change.
May I be ever mindful that each life I encounter is a prized possession of the King, created in love and for love. And may His grace cover and heal where I’ve been careless. I can trust that His love will restore where I have failed. For that, I am grateful.
Father – thank You for Your Word and Your truth. Thank You for lovingly convicting and correcting me. I repent to You as I have to them today. Give me Your eyes for them. Give me Your heart for them. Help me to love more like You and be ever mindful of Your sheep. You are good and You keep doing good. Your leadership in my life is perfect and You can be trusted. Amen.
Daily Reading: Ezekiel 32-34
September 6, 2022