His Sabbath, His Sign

“Moreover I also gave them My Sabbaths, to be a sign between them and Me, that they might know that I am the Lord who sanctifies them.”

‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭20:12‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Shabbat. It is without a doubt my favorite day of the week. I’ve written before about Bonnie Wilks’ book, Sabbath: A Gift of Time, and how it transformed me as a person and us as a family. 

A colleague and I were talking about Challah this week and the rhythm of the Sabbath. As we discussed types of Challah, I told her that the smell of challah baking instantly calmed my heart rate and brought an anticipation to my spirit because I know what’s coming – the lighting of candles, the prayers, the washing of hands, the blessings, the wine, the bread – all individual elements designed to help us remember what He brought us though during the week and to help us remember all He did for us.

At times, observing is a sacrifice in obedience. Most  times, it’s greeted with eager anticipation as each element is collected and placed on the table. It requires purpose and intention, but every week, it’s like opening a gift as we experiencing the joy, the excitement, and the revelation over and over again. When things seem “off-kilter,” the Sabbath can help us find balance. 

G-d speaks to Ezekiel and reminds him that the Sabbaths were given as a sign. In this passage, scholars suggest G-d is referring here to His weekly Sabbath – the day He asked His people to set aside every week to remember Him and to rest. 

As I was meditating today, another thought came to me about G-d as a giver. The Hebrew word in this passage for give is nāṯan – bestowed. He bestowed the sabbath as a sign. G-d also gave us a other gift – His son – “For G-d so loved the world, He gave…” 

He is a giver of radical gifts. This gift is meant to be a sign – much like the gift of a ring is a sign of a covenant. This gift is meant to be opened, enjoyed, and experienced. It’s a gift given to remind us of who He is and all He’s done. 

I’ve often asked Him for a sign to confirm a word or a direction – and today I’m struck by the thought that He gives me one every single week. The question is – am I paying attention?

Father – thank You for Your Word. Thank You for the Sabbath. Thank You for Your servants Bonnie and Wayne who taught us. You are good and You keep doing good. Your leadership in my life is perfect and You can be trusted. Amen. 

Daily Reading: Ezekiel 20-21

September 2, 2022