Near or Far

““Am I a God near at hand,” says the Lord, “And not a God afar off? Can anyone hide himself in secret places, So I shall not see him?” says the Lord; “Do I not fill heaven and earth?” says the Lord…. Is not My word like a fire?” says the Lord, “And like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?”

Jeremiah‬ ‭23:23-24‬, 29 NKJV‬‬

In a dark and lonely place void of words today, I’m reminded that He is G-d in every place – He’s G-d of the hidden seasons and G-d of the seen. He rules over the darkness and over the light. Good. Bad. Indifferent. Unseen. Broken. Success. Failure. Overlooked. Judged. Seen. Ignored. 

To the highest highs and lowest of lows, He finds me wherever I am even if no one else sees. There’s no where I can hide from Him and no where I can go to outrun Him. It has to be enough. Maybe that’s what this season is about. Learning that He truly is enough. Just Him. I say it – but I know I don’t really mean it. If I did – I wouldn’t be filled with regret and sorrow that runs so deep and threatens to drown me. 

So I’ll wait. I know He’ll come like a fire and like a hammer, cleansing, breaking, healing, rebuilding, until my heart catches up with my words and I mean what I say. 

Father – I ask for your mercy and help in this place. Guide my steps. Make Your way clear. Help me to accept Your plan. You are good and You keep doing good. Your leadership in my life is perfect and You can be trusted. Amen. 

Daily Reading: Jeremiah 23-25

August 13, 2022