Heaven’s Armies

“Our Redeemer, whose name is the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, is the Holy One of Israel.”

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭47:4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Make no mistake. The Lord is a warrior. Yes, He is loving and kind. Yes, He is good. Yes, He saves and heals. And in addition to all of the “nice” and “good” words that describe who He is, He is unquestionably just. He is a warrior and a fierce defender of His people. And as His child, that means He is a fierce for me. 

The thought takes the fight right out of me. The thought causes me to take a deep breath and relax – to just stop fighting so hard to defend and protect myself. 

I can point to multiple occasions where I know He has sent an Angel to protect and defend me. There are countless places in the Bible where angels intervene on behalf of the people of G-d. Angels are real. They do G-d’s bidding and go where He sends them. He sent them to minister to Jesus, and He sends them to minister to me. 

I don’t need to fear anything. After all, my G-d, the One I follow, the One I have a relationship with, has an entire army at His disposal. He’s a good Father and a fierce Warrior. He protects what is His – and I am His. 

Father – thank You for Your Word and for Your love. Thank You for protecting and defending me. Thank You for the many times You’ve intervened on my behalf. You are good and You keep doing good. Your leadership in my life is perfect and You can be trusted. Amen. 

Daily Reading: Isaiah 44-48

July 27, 2022